Springwall 75th Anniversary
True North Chiropractic

Bill S-211 Annual Report & Attestation

May 27, 2024


A- Its structure, activities and supply chains

Springwall Sleep Products Inc. (Springwall) is a multi generational family owned and operated business that has been manufacturing in the bedding industry for over 75 years. Operations began with a single facility in New Brunswick Canada and have since expanded to include production facilities in Ontario and Alberta. The company maintains their head office in New Brunswick.  Springwall sells exclusively in Canada.

Springwall is incorporated in the Province of New Brunswick.  There are approximately 200 employees in Canada only.  This report covers the fiscal year ended November 30, 2023.

Material used in the manufacturing process is sourced in Canada, the US and China.

Springwall is committed to preventing and reducing the risk that forced labour or child labour is used at any step in the production of goods in Canada or elsewhere, including goods that Springwall imports into Canada.

Springwall recognizes that different cultural, legal, and ethical systems exist in countries in which they purchase merchandise and raw materials.

Springwall has long term partnerships with reputable suppliers.  In 2024, Springwall is contemplating how to reduce the risk of forced labour and / or child labour through these partnerships.


B- Its policies and due diligence processes in relation to forced labour and child labour

Springwall does not currently have formal policies and due diligence processes in place related to forced labour and / or child labour.


C -The parts of its business and supply chains that carry a risk of forced labour or child labour being used and the steps it has taken to assess and manage that risk

Springwall sources raw material and finished goods in Canada, the US and China.

In fiscal 2024, Springwall is considering the implementation of a supplier code of conduct that will assist in identifying and managing the risk of forced labour and child labour within its supply chain.


D- Any measures taken to remediate any forced labour or child labour

To date Springwall has not identified any of their supply chain partners that have violated forced labour or child labour policies or regulations.


E – Any measures taken to remediate the loss of income to the most vulnerable families that results from any measure taken to eliminate the use of forced labour or child labour in its activities and supply chains

To date Springwall has not identified any of their actions, or actions of their supply chain partners, that have taken income from vulnerable families as a result of efforts to eliminate the use of forced labour or child labour in its activities.


F – The training provided to employees on forced labour and child labour

Springwall is considering implementing employee and management training on child and forced labour, for those employees who work directly or indirectly with suppliers.


G – How the entity assesses its effectiveness in ensuring that forced labour and child labour are not being used in its business and supply chains

Springwall does not currently have policies and procedures in place to assess its effectiveness in ensuring that forced labour and child labour are not used in its activities and supply chains.


Approval & Attestation

“In accordance with the requirements of the Act, and in particular section 11 thereof, I attest that I have reviewed the information contained in the report for the entity listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, I attest that the information in the report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.”

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